这是我在2002年11月21日刚收到的一封电子邮件。 这个小女孩在听了“地狱的公民”这首歌之后,问我“地狱是不是真的”,这歌是许多年前被赐给我的,在我得到一个地狱的开放异象并听见一个我称为地狱公民的男人在地狱里唱这首歌之后。这首歌不是一首美丽的歌。地狱里没有任何美。 我实际上看到了一个男人的开放异象,一个看起来像一盏昏暗的、没有通电的灯的男人站在我的门厅里,亚呼赎阿(也被称为耶稣基督)当时告诉我,祂允许一个来自地狱的公民出现在我面前,他曾是一名堕落的传道者,从来没有回归得到耶稣基督我们的亚呼赎阿的拯救恩典那里,而现在他在地狱里受痛苦(被折磨)。没有任何人能窥见地狱而不付出代价的,在得到这个地狱的启示后,我病得很重。人们抱怨说,地狱网页里我们描绘的地狱现场和模拟的地狱尖叫声,及我对地狱的描述太可怕了。 人们啊,醒来,要认清现实!地狱是真实的,没有一个基督徒能说他们不认识某个正在预订地狱的人,或者他们不认识某个已经去了地狱的人!至少我在警告全世界这个事实,而你们在干什么? 犹大书1:23-25 23有些人你们要从火中抢出来,搭救他们;有些人你们要存惧怕的心怜悯他们,连那被情欲沾染的衣服也当厌恶。 这是小玛丽安(Marion)的电子邮件和我的回复。请把这些内容给你的孩子看,因为如果你不警告他们的话,撒但就会设法把你的孩子带进地狱。那么少的牧师在讲真理啊……地狱是真实的!而且耶稣基督(希伯来问圣名是亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克)即将来临也是真实的。 ---------------- (邮件原文及译文) Hi Pastor Elisabeth(Elisheva) i read your article that wrote on what you saw/heard.I am 11 years of age and my mom wanted me to read this because she thought i was on my way to hell and should have a bible study with her on hell.that is freaky what you heard....least you only heard stuff like that once.i've noticed that everytime i pray i will have something reall scary happen to me and my mom and pastor said say a scripture verse or somethng but every time i do it only gets worse.sometime i think that it's because im some evil child helping satain out and dont even now it!i hope i hope not.anyways i had a question...was this man real?Or was it just a demon. 玛丽安 (Marion) ---------------- 请祷告并同意我们的祷告,愿玛丽安(与神圣三一真神之间)有更深的爱的关系和有顺服的渴望,这样她就可以被使用去带领其他同龄人归向亚呼赎阿,也被称为耶稣基督。我被引导将这篇信息张贴在你们面前,来询问你们是否愿意与你的孩子分享这些信息,不论他们的年龄,不论他们是你的孙子/孙女,或者你们是否愿意与别的孩子的母亲分享这些信息。 Hi Marion, Do you love Jesus Christ? In Hebrew His Name is YAHUSHUA.I shall call him Jesus Christ for you, Ok? How old are you? Your letter says 1 year old but I bet you meant 11 years old right? Marion your mom is warning you about Hell because it is real.Did you ever read the story of the rich man who died to hell while the beggar that use to beg for scraps of food under his table went to Paradise called Heaven now? Please read this and if you don't understand ask your Mother to explain it better or ask me again.Ok? You see the man I saw in a open vision was REAL and JESUS CHRIST allowed him to come back and warn me a Pastor so I could warn YOU also and millions of people that Hell is real.satan would not allow a demon to warn of Hell for you see people are getting saved.Jesus Christ is doing this because of the wicked world we live in and because JESUS CHRIST wants to come and take out of this wicked world the people who really love and serve him those who are trying hard to obey him and the bible says to those of us who are trying to obey that we shall be caught up ALIVE to meet our LORD in the air.Have your mom show you that scripture it is called the catching away or rapture.Please read below . 路加福音16章 Marion, you are so young what makes you ask if you could be helping satan out because your evil? You are not evil honey, no one is perfect only GOD.I am sure you don't try and sin do you? Marion, Please don't have anything to do with Harry Potter movie or toys do you know why Jesus is having me to tell you this? Because witches and those who worship satan are getting children and adults possessed all over the world.Even the commercials on TV show the evil power of satan.GOD warns us not to have anything to do with evil satantic power.Have you seen this movie? Have your mom read you the prophecy about Harry Potter Ok? JESUS CHRIST remember in Hebrew his name is YAHUSHUA and he is our Saviour speaks through me messages to warn the people.Sometimes YAHUVEH who is also called JEHOVAH and he is our Heavenly Father and creator speaks forth prophetic messages through me.Prophets are real today also.We warn the people when they are making GOD mad.You see YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA don't want the people to go to hell.I don't want to see you go to hell either Marion.So please obey your Mother she loves you SO MUCH but someone loves you even more and his name is JESUS CHRIST whom I call YAHUSHUA. Has your mother told you about when JESUS CHRIST comes again? What we call the rapture? Some pastors don't believe that it will happen and we will be punished along with those that hate JESUS.I don't believe that.Some Pastors don't believe in hell that doesn't mean it is not real.Warn others Marion Hell is real and Jesus Christ is coming again! I shall look for you in Heaven and you look for me.Ok? Please tell your mother to email me.I am here to help you in anyway. JESUS LOVES YOU SO MUCH! Please love and serve him and tell others of his love and warn them hell is real and so is the devil. Love and blessings in YAHUSHUA's name |
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已经得了神亚哈威喜悦他的明证。希伯来书 11:5